Year: 2016 Genre: Drama , Romance , School , Sci-Fi , Shoujo Studio: Telecom Animation Film Episode: 13 Synopsis Orange is the story of five people sending letters to their 10-year-younger-self in order to save one of their friends who committed suicide. I love the pacing and storytelling of the anime. Each episode ends before I knew it. My Review Is ‘orange’ a color or a fruit? I was looking for a light-hearted shoujo anime to watch when I came across Orange . I thought: this looks like a good one. What could go wrong? And it didn’t take long for me to realize I was dead wrong. If I have a life of anime that make me cry my heart out, Orange definitely will be on the top 10. Picture taken from I love the character building of this anime. Everyone (the six main protagonists) has their own personalities, however, some were highlighted more often than others. The character with the perfect personality would b...